Wel­come back to the KTP!

For many years now, we have been profiting in a variety of ways from our numerous contacts with former KTP-ers, among others: 

  • cooperative projects (both initiating and completing);
  • as a service provider for commissioned laboratory analyses;
  • by providing and being provided with materials, tools, or machines; or
  • by offering possibilities to create further contacts and expand professional networks. 

Many of you have decided to enter into long-term cooperation with us and are already members of our association (Verein zur Förderung der Kunststofftechnologie e. V.), allowing you to profit from information about cutting-edge research and discounts.

If you would like to keep up professionally with old friends and contemporaries and to see where they are currently working, join our new group on the networking platform XING or LinkedIn! This is a space for rekindling old contacts while creating new ones with other generations of the KTP-cohort.

Kon­takt­daten­er­fas­sung ehem­a­li­ger Mit­arbeit­er und Ab­schlus­sarbeit­er

Declaration of consent *

News­let­ter- E-Mail-Liste

An­s­prech­part­ner Ehem­a­lige und Ver­ein

Jonas Petzke, M.Sc.

Plastics Technology and Plastics Processing

Room P4.4.01.4
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-3839 Send E-Mail Directions